Brenda's Biography
Truly, life is a journey. Mine began in Panama City, FL, the daughter of two hard-working, middle-class parents. I married young and had three beautiful sons. The eldest made me a grandmother and great-grandmother. My children are my joy and the best of who I am. I am most grateful for those amazing gifts in the persons of my sons, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.
In the early years, I did various jobs as my sons started school, including a short stint as a law enforcement officer, a Harris County Deputy in Houston, Texas. In the early 1990's I entered nursing and quickly attained my MSN in Midwifery at the University of Florida. Being able to be the first human to touch another human soul is a privilege I will always cherish and hold close to my heart. Unfortunately, my career was cut short by severe latex allergy in 1997. I left nursing for almost 10 years, allowing my immune system to heal.
During those years I mourned the loss of my career, job, and passion for caring for women and their babies. I began to review what I had learned in my graduate studies. On some days, I could only see the loss. However, it was a time of internal growth for me, a time to realize I was not defined by job, title, family, education, etc.
One morning as I was reading my Bible, I read the story of the Hebrew midwives of Egypt, Puah, and Shiphrah in the book of Exodus. I was intrigued. Did they lie to the pharaoh or were all the babies born quickly as the story tells? Why would a pharaoh order his future workforce murdered?
That curiosity is how The Midwife’s Song: A Story of Moses’ Birth was born. I began to realize that although I had lost my career, I knew how to research and write. I began to study creative writing on my own, joined Romance Writers of America, and networked with other authors.
Sometime later, two wonderful people, Michael and Karen Helms, owners of Karmichael Press, asked for the book proposal, then the manuscript. A month later, they offered to publish my first book. It was published in 2000. Those months to follow were busy and fun and I continued to write and create as we marketed the book.
In 2003, I returned to school after placing the manuscript for The Midwife’s Heart, the second book in the Hebrew Midwives Trilogy, into Mike and Karen’s hands. When the manuscript was returned to me, I was deeply embroiled in my studies and did not have time to edit their suggested changes. In May 2004, I gained my M.S. in Public and Corporate Communication from the Florida State University.
Soon thereafter, I returned to work. The muse was in hibernation and I was in a second career as a nurse manager, along with undergoing deeply personal life changes, one change that included converting to Judaism.
Time has passed and I have grown, learned deep life lessons, and come to understand so much about life, love, and loss. I am grateful for each and every one of those lessons.
In the Fall of 2017, I began a new chapter in my life and it was during that time of quiet introspection, that my Muse awakened: rested, newly educated, and ready to work. I submitted the updated manuscript for a novella entitled A Love So Sweet to Wild Rose Press and it was accepted for publication. I am excited for what the future holds as I have five other books that are complete and need updating but are sound stories that I believe readers will enjoy, including romantic suspense, a contemporary romance, and a romance that I would describe as one about love, loss, and redemption.
So, stay tuned! My life, as well as some actual books, are still in progress.